Sunday, December 29, 2013

Living in Brazil!

What an adventure it has been! We landed in Joinville on the Friday the 13th! Trying to push all our luggage was a nightmare. JK!

But it was something else watching us move 27 pieces of luggage around! Aiden and Seth were real troopers.  But there were people who saw us struggling and were happy to lend a hand.

People of Brazil are very friendly. Especially in Joinville.  We've made contact with people who English and Spanish.  

People in Brazil really want to learn English.  There are schools in Joinville who only teach English.  One school even offered us a job teaching English.  That's how eager they are.

The name of the school is TopWay.  We met two young people, whom I hope to get to church.  I forget their names but pray that they come to our Bible study and church once we open.

We are currently looking for an apartment or house to rent. Pray that we get a place that will meet our needs. 

It is so expensive in Brazil.  I mean, real expensive.  Just so you get an idea of how expensive it is, a monopoly game that costs in the states around $12, $6 during Christmas, cost $40!  That's right 40 AMERICAN DOLLARS!  Barbie dolls cost $35 also.  In dividule Hot Wells cars cost $3. Bey Blade tops cot 30 bucks.

It really is expensive. Everything is. A McDonalds Big Mac cost $3.50 alone. You get a combo and your going to spend around $7.50.

So you know what that means. Please give to missionary work. Especially this one! Lol!

But seriously, please if you haven't already been giving, give to world evangelism.  Giving to world evanglism has never meant so much to me until actually being in a country struggling to survive.  Physically, mentally, politically and especially SPIRITUALLY!

Please give and pray for us! We covet your prayers.

Brazil for Jesus,
-Pastor Ray Felan-

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