Do you remember the 80's T.V. series the A-Team? The A-Team was an American action adventure T.V. series about a fictional group of ex-United States Army Special Forces who work as soldiers of fortune while being on the run from the military for a crime they didn't commit.
Unlike the fictional characters on the T.V. series, The I-Team is the real deal! The I-Team (Invasion Team) are a group of faithful Harlingen Church saints that take evangelism very seriously. Soul-Winning is the #1 directive. They place high priority on one-on-one street witnessing and street preaching.
Two most recent I-Team missions were to help our cousin and brother in the coastal bend and San Antonio area. On Feb. 20th we went to help Pastor Richie of the Potter's House-Aransas Pass hand out flyer's for the upcoming revival with Oscar Jaime of The Door-Corpus Christi. We had a wonderful time infiltrating Aransas Pass for the Gospel. Their were 13 people who prayed the sinners prayer for salvation with a few members of our group. One of our I-Team members, Dahlia, witness to a women who was hooked on drugs and stated that she was going to a church but had stop attending for some reason or another. There are many lives in Aransas Pass that need Jesus. Pastor Richie was so appreciative of the The I-Team taking time on a Saturday and coming all the way from Harlingen to lend a hand.
Pastor Richie took our mercenaries for Christ to Pizza Hut for re-fueling and fellowship. It's been 5 years since Pastor Richie was sent out to this area and it is a great thing to see God working in this coastal town.
On the 27th of Feb., The I-Team also went to help Pastor Martinez-The Door/S.A., pass out flyer's for their church services. 19 people responded to the salvation message through the testimonies of the saints. It was a powerful time of evangelism in my hometown of S.A.
We were introduced to a man who happen to receive a flyer by the name of "House". And he was built like one. He was a biker dude with a spike helmet and a leather vest with a large patch of a skeletal hand throwing the figure. House sat with Pastor Martinez and had some food that the church provided for the I-Team. You could see that House really was interested in what we where doing. Pray for House that he will come and lock in the church.
We also had the opportunity to street preach while we where there. We learned a new strategy to get people's attention. "Wave at the Queen" and "Put on a big smile". It was great. One employee at the corner gas station stopped and talked with a member of our group. Street Preaching works!
Pray for us that God would bring in more recruits in the I-Team and for Harlingen as we take on the world for Jesus.
Pastor Felan
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