Building a contagious Christian community for the 21st century--one life at a time.
Monday, December 20, 2010
It has been awhile!
Friday, May 14, 2010
Thursday, April 29, 2010
RGV Harvester's Homecoming
Wayman Mitchell Discipleship
Happy Easter!
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Aftershocks continue across Mexicali
7.2 magnitude quake rocks Mexico, U.S.
Powerful China quake kills at least 400
Volcanic ash cripples aviation
Monday, March 29, 2010
Must Read
"Disciplines of a Godly Man" by R. Kent Hughes
Our churches and homes need men willing to follow the path of godliness no matter what the cost. This inspiring book has been speaking to the hearts of men for the past 10 years, and its words are still relevant. Using engaging illustrations, scriptural wisdom, practical suggestions and study questions, Kent Hughes offers a frank biblical discussion on major areas of Christian manhood: family, godliness, leadership, ministry and more. This newly revised edition is for every man who wants to know what it means to be a Christian in today's world.
"We will never get anywhere in life without discipline, be it in the arts, business, athletics, or academics. This is doubly so in spiritual matters. In other areas we may be able to claim some innate advantage. An athlete may be born with a strong body, a musician with perfect pitch, or an artist with an eye for perspective. But none of us can claim an innate spiritual advantage. In reality, we are all equally disadvantaged. None of us naturally seeks after God, none is inherently righteous, none instinctively does good (cf. Romans 3:9-18). Therefore, as children of grace, our spiritual discipline is everything - everything!"
Revival w/Gahfoor

What an awesome visitation of the Spirit of God we had during the revival with Ashgar Gahfoor. Evangelist Gahfoor is truly a man of God that is in tune with what the Spirit wants to say to the people he is ministering to.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
RVG Marriage Retreat
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Holy Matrimony
Praise God for those who God is the Lord!
In March I had the privilege in perform my first marriage in the Harlingen congregation where I Pastor. Two wonderful saints, Fillipe and Elsa Ortega were married in Holy Matrimony in 2010.
Our sister Elsa was the first to come to the church. She remembered our Christmas Float during the parade and the testimonies that were given over the bullhorn. She recalled that someone said "that God can change your life and that you don't have to continue on the road your living in." See said to a sister in church "that her life was a wreck and she needed to change course." She answered the alter call and gave her life to Jesus. From that day forward she has linked her heart with the people of God and has gone to several outreaches. There is a genuine conversion that has happen in her life.
After her spiritual re-birth, Fillipe came and gave his life to Jesus. He was amazed on how the saints were so genuinely friendly, kind, and were praying for him. He said that you can feel the sincerity in the church and you can see that these people really care. His conversion was prompted by the testimonies and openness of the people. Kindness, beloved, goes along way.
There was a sermon I preached on the "Sanctity of Marriage" that prompted them to come to me and confess that they were not legally married. Fillipe spoke to me and said that he wanted to do things right and said that Elsa and him were talking about getting married. I told him that I'm all for it and most importantly that God's all for it. I told him that if he is serious, to go down to the court house and get the marriage licence and I will perform the ceremony. Well, the pictures say it all! The people of God rose to the occasion and decorated the church to bless our brother and sister. It was truly amazing.
At the reception, Elsa made this statement to all present at her celebration, "God is a Good God and all this would not be possible without God and my church family." Isn't that awesome. Thank God for His people.
I hope, with permission, to post their full testimonies on our website or this blog. There testimonies are truly amazing and give evidence to the power of God that is still into changing lives. I'm very excited about what God is going to do in this couple and their family.
Please pray for the Ortega's and pray that God will give us more like them!
Pastor Felan
Friday, March 5, 2010
The I - Team

Monday, March 1, 2010
Men's Discipleship Seminars
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Tuesday, February 23, 2010

What a wonderful thing it is when God brings a man after His own heart to preach His word in due season. Pastor Marty Carnegie preached a wonderful revival for us. We had a packed out house every night! Hallelujah!
For this revival I prayed, God, bring in people who need to be saved. Bring those who need to be born again. The broken hearted, depressed, the messed up life. And when you bring them, God, I pray that they respond to the convictions of the Holy Spirit. And when they do, I want our church to be the church that they will continue to come. Basically God, I want CONVERTS! And you know what, He heard my prayer.
We went out before the revival to pass out flyers for this event because how many of us know that we need to do our part as well. Praying that God will bring the increase. We had a great response to our invitation with sinners and backsliders praying the prayer of salvation at our outreaches. This resulted in many of them coming to hear Pastor Carnegie preach.
At the revival, people were stirred, healed by the Holy Ghost, saved by responding to an alter call to pray for salvation and baptized with the Holy Spirit with the evidence in speaking in tongues . It was a glorious sight! Amen! We sent Marty Carnegie away blessed after the revival was over. Yes, what a blessed time we all had in the Lord.
Somewhere in 2011, we have tentatively set Evangelist Carnegie to come back a do a revival for us once again and this time he said that he will bring his wife Barbara. This will be a wonderful thing. Pastor Carnegie said that he wants to bring his wife to experience the awesome hospitality that he experienced. He told me “Pastor Ray, you truly are a blessed man.” And that I am.
Thank you Pastor Murillo and the Weslaco church for sending a guerilla team to help spread the word of this event and thank you Harlingen congregation for you tireless labors and sweet smelling prayers. As Pastor Marty Carnegie expressed, my wife and I, as well as my children are truly blessed.
Pastor Felan