Thursday, July 31, 2014

The Cost of Living in the Field - No. 1

The Cost of Living - Article 1

One of the task that I find very challenging is managing my money wisely.  I have to admit that in my sinner years and in the beginning of my walk with Jesus, financial budgeting was something that wasn't at the top of my list.  I thank God that he has challenged me to look at earning money not as a means of simply self-gratification, but as a force that can bring a powerful dimension into the kingdom of God.

Which brings me to the challenges of doing a work for God in the foreign field.  Especially if your in a country such as ours.  Let me just add that no matter where you are in the world, understanding and managing your support is very critical.  Remember, the support you get every month comes from people who are giving sacrificially to you and your ministry.  That support comes from your church back home and other churches that have linked themselves together in a optimistic attitude that God will do a great work in your respected city and country.  Understand Pastor, that God will hold you accountable.

Brazil is a country that is actually a country that is rich in resources,
but plagued by mismanagement in the financial sector.  Many here believe that the governments mismanagement of money is because of political corruption.  And though that might seem to be the case, their are people here that make more then the average wage.

This is due in part because of decision made by the individual.  The ones that seem to struggle less are those that have made good choices.  Choices to go and stay in school and not live off the credit or the welfare system.  In other words, most of the time it's the individual and their decisions that dictate their lifestyle.

If you want a better way of life, it's starts by making wise choices.  What is wisdom?  Wisdom is simply doing what is right.  It's doing the right thing.  Simple!  First, it's by giving your life to Jesus.  This is by first repenting of your sins and not doing them anymore.  Then it's making a decision to let God be the Lord of your life.  This means total surrender to the things of God.  What God says, goes!  It's as simple as that.

If you seek the things of God first, truly seek the things of God, then everything will fall into place.  Will it be a smooth ride? No, by no means.  Will you have your ups and downs?  Will you have your very, very bad days?  Of, course!  But you will have AMAZING DAYS as well!

But honestly, you have to remember that this life we live on earth is only temporary.  I know that most of you know that.  But, you will be amazed on how many of us don't live life that way.

I've come to realize that just because I live in a country that is very expensive, I can still make decisions that can impact my life for the good, if I make right decisions.  And I thank God that He should me how before I got here.

So, wether you live in the U.S. or in a third world country, you are still expected to make wise financial decisions.  Always remember that someone is providing you with their hard earned cash that has been sacrificed on the alter of grace.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

- AXIOM - Four ‘Humble’ Things That Aren’t Humble

When Ben Franklin turned 20, he was determined to become virtuous. He put together a list of 12 virtues (frugality, sincerity, justice, etc.), and worked out a system of regularly focusing on one virtue a week while tracking his progress as he went.
He showed his finished list of values to a minister who pointed out that Franklin was missing humility—the queen of all virtues. Franklin added it to the list bringing the total to 13.
After spending many months working on the virtues, Franklin’s friend asked how he was doing with humility. Franklin responded, “I can’t boast of much success in acquiring the reality of this virtue, but I had a good deal with regard to the appearance of it.”  The point is, if you’re working hard at ACTING humble, you’re not actually humble.


Virtues are a lot like garments; you can put them on without owning them. It’s tricky because we don’t just fool the people around us by playing dress up—we fool ourselves.
Humility is much easier to manufacture than it is to internalize, and as long as we’re more focused on humility’s appearance, we’ll never experience its transformation.

So What is Humility?

Scripture’s packed with references to humility (something God honors), and most of the time it’s used as an antonym for pride (something God despises).

The classic C. S. Lewis quote from Mere Christianity is a helpful place to start:  “True humility is not thinking less of yourself; it is thinking of yourself less.”
Humility’s simplicity is what makes it so difficult. It’s simply thinking about, promoting the interests of and celebrating others more than yourself.
Instead of focusing on others, we tend to promote, celebrate and focus on ourselves with a little self-depreciating twist to give the appearance that we really don’t take ourselves that seriously.
Here are four common “humble” things that aren’t actually humility:

1. The humble brag

I used to work with this guy who’d say things like, “My wife’s always telling me that people think I’m weird and socially awkward because I use professor-like vocabulary words instead of talking like a normal person.”
Let me translate that for you: “Folks think I’m weird BECAUSE I’M SO STINKIN’ SMART!”
A humble brag is the delightful technique of saying something awesome about yourself, but washing it down with a chaser of faux-criticism or depreciation.
Only one person in a group can never seem to recognize a humble brag, and that’s the person who’s using it. They’re too busy trying to force feed you a spoonful of their awesomeness.

2. Most Uses of the Word ‘Humbled’

When I had my first viral blog post, I was a bit of a jerk. It was such a big surprise that I didn’t know how to talk about it in a way that didn’t seem awful. So instead of just talking about it, I would post screenshots and stats and say ridiculous things like, “I’m so humbled that so many people are reading my blog today.”
I wasn’t so humbled about it—that was complete nonsense. I was excited. And you know what? That’s OK. What’s not OK is putting on some false sense of humility in order to draw attention to myself.
Now whenever I hear someone tell me how humbled they are, I recognize it for the bull it is. (Also, I can’t read “I’m so humbled” without hearing it in Jeremy Iron’s Scar voice.) Just tell me about the awesome thing you’re experiencing so I can celebrate with you.

3. Not Taking a Compliment

Newsflash: Humble people can take a compliment.
It’s funny to see someone spend an hour doing their hair and picking out an outfit to see them respond to a compliment on their appearance with, “Oh, stop. I look hideous.”
One’s inability to take a compliment (even if they’re sincere) is more about pride than it’s about humility.  Humble people have strengths, positive qualities and nice outfits. It’s OK. Say thank you and move on.


4. Giving the Glory to the Lord

Sometimes when you compliment a Christian on a job well done they’ll give you this kind of response: “Oh, that was just the Lord working through me” or “All the glory goes to the Lord.”
This is the Christian mash-up of not taking a compliment and holy humble bragging. It’s the worst kind of religiosity because it passes off the compliment while doubling down on self-righteousness.
By acknowledging  your gifts, you glorify the Lord. Humility doesn’t parade around in the skinny jeans of false piety.

Truly humble people are amazing to be around. Want to be like them? Focusing on being humble will never get you there. Instead, start by looking for ways to celebrate the awesomeness of others and stop looking for ways to promote your own.