Ever since we stepped into Brazil, we've met people who are genuinely willing to make our stay successful. When we were struggling with our luggage and transferring to another airport in Sao Paulo for instance, there were people who asked us if we needed help. A lady at the airport said a few words to my wife and then took a piece of luggage from her and help my wife as far as she could go.
We've been in Brazil and in the hotel for almost two months. That's a long time my friend. I think we shocked the staff when we arrived with three taxi's loaded with all our luggage! They ask if we were vacationing. "No, we are moving here from Texas." "Ta, Bem-vindo ao Joinville" (Okay, Welcome to Joinville."
Our hotel room is a two twin bedroom with A/C. When we first arrived all four of us were staying in room 411. About two weeks later, the reservation manager informed us that they had decided to give us a room for our boys free of charge! What a blessing! They're also giving us the lowest rate possible tax-free! Praise God!
We do have an apartment reserved that meets our immediate needs, but the hold up is with the deposit money from the States to the Bank of Brazil. I'm encouraged to write a post on what I call, "To Do and Not To Do - Step before coming to Brazil. I know that not all things are black and white, but there are things I've learned in this experience that can make transitioning a bit easier.
We joke with the hotel staff and say to them, "Don't get us wrong, we love you guys, but we want our apartment." :'-( But if there is any consolation, the people here have been amazingly accommodating. Two of which are the desk clerk, Evandro and Bruna, the reservation manager who gave us the extra room for the boys. Evandro is actually from Portugal and Bruna was born in Sao Paulo. These two have been very good to us, helping us in what ever we need. From directions to interpreting to telling us where can we find good food cheap. They've been such a tremendous blessing.
We invited them to a local pizzeria called "Oficina das Pizzas for a some fellowship. We had such a wonderful time getting to know them. Evandro is a young single man in his 20's and not married. He recently moved to Joinville from Portugal. He loves pizza and learned to speak English by watching movies in English.
Bruna is a young lady in her twenties. She is single, as well, and has no children. But she is raising her 13 year old brother. Both her parents have passed away. She has another brother who is twenty. Her father died when she was a teenager and her mother died from a stroke when she was twenty. But you can tell that she is person who doesn't let bad circumstances define her.
There is so much potential in these to young people. Please pray that they will respond to the Holy Spirit calling them to repentance and the great work that God has prepared for them. Please continue to come back for more updates on our exciting adventure for the Gospel.

Pastor Ray Felan