Building a contagious Christian community for the 21st century--one life at a time.
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Tuesday, February 23, 2010

What a wonderful thing it is when God brings a man after His own heart to preach His word in due season. Pastor Marty Carnegie preached a wonderful revival for us. We had a packed out house every night! Hallelujah!
For this revival I prayed, God, bring in people who need to be saved. Bring those who need to be born again. The broken hearted, depressed, the messed up life. And when you bring them, God, I pray that they respond to the convictions of the Holy Spirit. And when they do, I want our church to be the church that they will continue to come. Basically God, I want CONVERTS! And you know what, He heard my prayer.
We went out before the revival to pass out flyers for this event because how many of us know that we need to do our part as well. Praying that God will bring the increase. We had a great response to our invitation with sinners and backsliders praying the prayer of salvation at our outreaches. This resulted in many of them coming to hear Pastor Carnegie preach.
At the revival, people were stirred, healed by the Holy Ghost, saved by responding to an alter call to pray for salvation and baptized with the Holy Spirit with the evidence in speaking in tongues . It was a glorious sight! Amen! We sent Marty Carnegie away blessed after the revival was over. Yes, what a blessed time we all had in the Lord.
Somewhere in 2011, we have tentatively set Evangelist Carnegie to come back a do a revival for us once again and this time he said that he will bring his wife Barbara. This will be a wonderful thing. Pastor Carnegie said that he wants to bring his wife to experience the awesome hospitality that he experienced. He told me “Pastor Ray, you truly are a blessed man.” And that I am.
Thank you Pastor Murillo and the Weslaco church for sending a guerilla team to help spread the word of this event and thank you Harlingen congregation for you tireless labors and sweet smelling prayers. As Pastor Marty Carnegie expressed, my wife and I, as well as my children are truly blessed.
Pastor Felan